Friday, 8 October 2010

Friendship Poems 8 - I Cry for the Homeless

It's true! Many people today are just a pay check away from being homeless. That is why you should be kind to others because you might be up today and down tomorrow. To express your concerns for the homeless, you may write a poem to yourself or send it to the newspaper.

One thing for sure, the poor will always be here, and it looks like the population of poor people is growing larger every day. Many people fall on hard times as they face unexpected job closings and layoffs. Many seem hopeless as the number of unemployed people increases. For these and other reasons, you may want to write yourself a poem similar to "I Cry for the Homeless."

Sample Poem:

I Cry for the Homeless

One day up and the next down.
If you are down and without a home

it's sad when you don't know your source

from it comes your help, of course!

So, I cry for the homeless

One day rich and the next poor.
If you are poor and without a home

it's sad when you don't know your source

from it comes your help, of course!

So, I cry for the homeless

One day with friends the next alone.
If you are alone and without a home

it's sad when you don't know your source

from it comes your help, of course!

So, I cry for the homeless

One day famous and the next unknown.
If you are unknown and without a home

it's sad when you don't know your source

from it comes your help, of course!

So, I cry for the homeless

Copyright © 2007, Dr. M.E. Waters. All Rights Reserved.

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Wednesday, 6 October 2010

William Shakespeare - Sonnet 38

Sir John Gielgud reads hakespeare's Sonnet 38 Sonnet 38 by William Shakespeare (1564-1616) How can my muse want subject to invent, While thou dost breathe, that pour'st into my verse Thine own sweet argument, too excellent For every vulgar paper to rehearse? O! give thy self the thanks, if aught in me Worthy perusal stand against thy sight; For who's so dumb that cannot write to thee, When thou thy self dost give invention light? Be thou the tenth Muse, ten times more in worth Than those old nine which rhymers invocate; And he that calls on thee, let him bring forth Eternal numbers to outlive long date. If my slight muse do please these curious days, The pain be mine, but thine shall be the praise.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Short Love Poems and How to Write Them

Looking for a way to write short love poems? Look no further than haiku poetry! Haiku may be the shortest living poetry in the world! In just a few words, an entire sentiment can be expressed. But how to write them you ask? It's easy! Look at this short love poem:

Spring breeze --

her hand accidentally

grazes mine

Here we have a scene where we know what time of year it is. We also know the kind of day it is... breezy. Now, the next two lines describe an event that takes place in "real time." Because that's what haiku is all about. It's about present moment occurrences. What could be more immediate and suggestive of love than what is taking place as it's taking place?

To write haiku, you have to learn how to rid yourself of western poetic devices like analogy, simile, and metaphor. Haiku seek to describe events in simple and plain language. You have to get good at writing what haiku poet Ray Rasmussen has aptly called "first-order sense mind impressions." This somewhat long way of describing how to write haiku simply means you need to look at what's going on now, not what's happening in the past or what may happen in the future.

For example, the phrase "her hand accidentally grazes mine" describes an event that is taking place. It doesn't ornament it with flowery language. It simple describes what is happening in the present. Many people think writing haiku is easy. That's because they don't understand how to write haiku. Short love poems the haiku way are a unique way of expressing your feeling for another person. To do it, think first of writing a phrase, then, combine it with a sentence fragment and you've just written your first haiku love poem!

Sunday, 3 October 2010

A Poem To Children

Little children that I once waited for in happiness

I've scarcely now try to notice,

distracted by their rudeness.

These children are from mothers...

the ones that always make trouble,

turn me pale inside--yelling.

Parents! How late did you wakeup today?

With their deafness to poison me.

This poem from me...poem

that I've wanted to write!

A sudden relief fills my head!

I'm with my doubts, in which I'll die

alone, and be called the ogre of the day.

Anyhow, here is a poem from me to

you...mothers (or parents) have forgotten

in which they only send me grief.

Ay, a poem that so many times have

I avoid writing, now saves me from

a pretentious world, which is too late

for them...for me, I've stop waiting.

1924 (7-31-2007)

Note: there are two many lazy parents out there and everywhere I go, I get the privilege to see them, they do not take the time to discipline their children. Only today (and it is everyday, all day long, everywhere I got, today in Huancayo, Peru) I noticed I see them out of order), and parents not watching their children in restaurants, on the streets, rude as can be, pushing shoving.

Do we blame the children or parents? How can it be the children's fault, when they are learning? It is very sad indeed the state of affairs in Minnesota, and all the USA, and Peru; the main two cities being Lima and Huancayo, and in Minnesota, St. Paul, in particular. Shame on you parents. I dedicated this poem to you, like it or not. My wife before this my most recent one, was as lazy a mother as a dead horse.

A common parent of the great United States of today, I hate to say (when you do not discipline, it is simply laziness, and the kids learn no limits, and thus, have no rules); but she found time for everything else, alas, I had to take care of ungrateful kids that screamed "You're not my dad," only the one raising you, paying the bills, but not their dad. Thank god for that. The laws of the land don't help the parents any more either they are for the sassy kids, and they know it.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Sonnet for Ron E. Paul

I woke up this morning and thought I should write a poem to express my appreciation and admiration for Dr. Paul. Sonnet for Ron E. Paul Who will dare utter Truth nationally? How long would their voice echo unsilenced? Empiric, rich Corporates steer policy, Never dissuaded from force, violence. Dwelling in apartments, urban houses, Out on country roads, in small towns you'll find We the People want to toss out louses! Enough fear mongering and endless lies! Courageous dissident in mock debates, Hope filled, principled Paul spoke what we know, Accepting bravely Presidential fate. No longer need we ask, "Who's our hero?" Grinning Texas doctor, speaking unafraid, Earnest has been, shall always be, his name.