Sunday, 3 October 2010

A Poem To Children

Little children that I once waited for in happiness

I've scarcely now try to notice,

distracted by their rudeness.

These children are from mothers...

the ones that always make trouble,

turn me pale inside--yelling.

Parents! How late did you wakeup today?

With their deafness to poison me.

This poem from me...poem

that I've wanted to write!

A sudden relief fills my head!

I'm with my doubts, in which I'll die

alone, and be called the ogre of the day.

Anyhow, here is a poem from me to

you...mothers (or parents) have forgotten

in which they only send me grief.

Ay, a poem that so many times have

I avoid writing, now saves me from

a pretentious world, which is too late

for them...for me, I've stop waiting.

1924 (7-31-2007)

Note: there are two many lazy parents out there and everywhere I go, I get the privilege to see them, they do not take the time to discipline their children. Only today (and it is everyday, all day long, everywhere I got, today in Huancayo, Peru) I noticed I see them out of order), and parents not watching their children in restaurants, on the streets, rude as can be, pushing shoving.

Do we blame the children or parents? How can it be the children's fault, when they are learning? It is very sad indeed the state of affairs in Minnesota, and all the USA, and Peru; the main two cities being Lima and Huancayo, and in Minnesota, St. Paul, in particular. Shame on you parents. I dedicated this poem to you, like it or not. My wife before this my most recent one, was as lazy a mother as a dead horse.

A common parent of the great United States of today, I hate to say (when you do not discipline, it is simply laziness, and the kids learn no limits, and thus, have no rules); but she found time for everything else, alas, I had to take care of ungrateful kids that screamed "You're not my dad," only the one raising you, paying the bills, but not their dad. Thank god for that. The laws of the land don't help the parents any more either they are for the sassy kids, and they know it.

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