see i am going to break up each stanza and put it inside of 4 different greeting cards and give them to my wife. so that is why it is a hidden sonnet. because it is broken up into individual stanzas. plus i am going to hide the cards in her stuff so she finds them throughout her day. like one in her purse one in her car etc. etc. i like to write for my wife. and i like it even better when i can suprise her. oh the last one i gave her on a card with 20 roses. she loved it. what a way to exhibit a poem to the one you love. lines 1 & 3 of the quatrains are Inversion(stressed then unstressed syllables per foot). To give a flow to the iambic(unstressed then stressed syllables per foot) on lines 2 & 4 of the quatrains. like the lines were dancing 1 line inversion next iambic... lines 1 & 3 of the quatrains end with a dactyl(stressed then two unstressed syllables). so the receipt of the last foot from the readers perspective is gentle. lines 1 & 3 use 11 syllables like a love sonnet. Last two lines are iambic pentameter. it may not be traditional but i like it, and i got to play with the code a whole bunch. which i love to do. The Hidden Sonnet --- I'll, awake in arms of true tranquility To, greet the day with love I hold in true All, I need is you with passion freeing me My, day will start in bliss as love renews Well, throughout my day my thoughts will circumvent As, thoughts of you enchant my minds control These, ideas will grow with love to supplement My, urge to be with you ...
Keywords: poem, poetry, love, sonnet
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