So... this was an exercise at Creative Writing Soc, that I finished the next day. The meter is off and there are a few issues with the rhyme scheme, but not too shabby (for a first sonnet.. cut me some slack!). Here's the complete poem: Write a modern love sonnet Not so much love as its ghost. Not so much lost as stuck In a mind endlessly playing host To agonising imaginings of one last look. Its the cliché of the late night tears; Curling up to defend against the endless lonely crush; Squeezing eyes tight shut to avoid the accumulating fears; Remembering your kiss in my hair as you whisper a comforting, shush. And lately, the tantalising moments when I wrongly Believe that I might just might be ready to leave All this behind; when I grasp so desperately, so strongly At the straws of attraction to a random Tom or Steve. In my head the conservation, long suspended, starts again and I realise now that itll never be ended.
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