Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners - Writing With a Plan

How to Create an Outline for Your Article

Article Writing

Pick a Plan and Stick to It

Writing of an any sort requires some forethought and a plan. The plan varies according to what you are going to write and who your intended audience is. For example if you are writing to your loved one, you will let the thoughts and words flow from the heart. In that case, stream of feeling or consciousness frames your plan.

If you are writing a sonnet, you will need to respect the rules of sonnet writing; iambic pentameter and fourteen lines of rhyme.

When you are going to write an article for your blog or website, then a more accepted form to use is the Cartesian formula. It is what I remember being taught in school and it has worked for me ever since because it makes sense.

Here is how it works:


A bold statement announcing about the issue, problem or idea you are going to write about.


This is where you present the idea or issue outlined in the headline. It is the place where you are telling your audience what you are going to do. If you have done your research, you are going to cover a problem or offer a solution you know your reader would like to read about.

Paragraph One -The Problem

This is where you lay out the issue and problem that is of concern to your reader. In the case of a product or service, this is where you introduce the information from the point of view of the reader. You demonstrate that you know how the reader feels and thinks about a problem or life experience and you establish a rapport with your reader.

Paragraph Two-The Solution

With the problem well defined and articulated, you can now move to offer some ideas about how to find the solution and make things better. A list of remedies that take care of each concern, one by one, is what is needed here. This gives your audience the chance to process the information and think about the outcome and what it means to them.

Paragraph Three-Proof

In this section you offer proof. This is where testimonials, reports with data, and corroborating information is presented. Testimonials are living proof and often are instrumental in helping your reader overcome any doubts they may have. If they identify with the people in the testimonials, then they are more likely to build a sense of trust.

Reports and any information with data are also important. They can be verified to make sure that the information is reliable. They can also be checked out to test for any bias or slanting of the data. They can legitimize the stated testimonial and benefits offered. They are ways your readers can overcome objections they are feeling.


The conclusion is a restatement of your introduction. In the introduction you tell your reader what your are going to do. In the conclusion, you tell the reader what you have just done. You can also add a call to action if the article calls for one. Generally you want to recap the benefits of the information you have just offered and move the reader to internalize what they have just read. If you have connected you have achieved the ultimate goal.

With this structure, you should be able to write articles for your product or service with ease and confidence.

May Your Travels Be Prosperous

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