You may have many desires
You may come and admire
You have all way you can
You may prove as my man
To love me you got to perform
You should be fully prepared and informed
You can be hot the sun or like quiet poet
The stage is ready and quietly set
I can't think of unreasonable man
He should be desirous of having good woman
I can't think of staying as mere slave
He should prove and nicely behave
Neither have I had instrument to test his sincerity
Nor any brilliance to prove his ability
I shall think of only proven integrity
If I fail in it then it will be great pity
Many women may be falling to falsehood
They might have experienced it in neighborhood
It is natural to gain boyhood or womanhood
It must be met with and fully understood
What do I think of complete man?
He must take me to whatever position he can?
Once I have fallen with him to go ahead
He may have full freedom to lead
I had dreamed of hot blazing sun
In his light I wanted to have easy run
In his warmth I could feel quite fun
H should have been there as only one
Did I not deserve or expect a partner?
Who can care of me as very good Gardner?
I should have full freedom to blossom
He may come and hold me in full wisdom
The ideal person as he may be
I shall be in no dilemma and very free
He will be my idol and right man
I shall remain his better half and lovely fan
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