Monday, 20 September 2010

Friendship Poems

We should not restrict friendship to age, sex, or race, because anyone can be a friend.
Prior to choosing a certain person as a friend, you should put them through the friendship test. This is done to see how well they measure up to the qualities found in a true friend. Some qualities in a true friend are love, trust, and respect. A friend is also someone who is pleasant and willing to share with another.

A friend can have a positive or negative influence on you. One way a friend has a positive influence is when he realizes that you have a special talent and he encourages you to develop it. Do you recall ever hearing someone say, "He could have made it but he hung around the wrong crowd." It means the person's friends have negative influences on him. If someone encourages you to do bad things, this person is not a friend.

There is nothing like having a best friend to share with. Whether your best friend is a male or female, the important thing is to make sure that individual has a positive influence on your life.
You may write your best friend a poem to explain how much you appreciate the friendship.

Sample Poem:

A friend is

someone you love,

someone you respect,

someone you admire,

someone you bond with,

someone you can trust,

someone you can confide in,

someone who wants the best for you,

someone who will help you,

someone who will give you advice,

someone who will listen to you,

someone who will give you constructive criticism,

someone who will share with you,

someone who confronts you about your faults,

someone who is there for you,

someone who is proud of you,

someone you admire for their honesty,

someone you will miss, a friend.

Copyright © 2007, Dr. M.E. Waters. All Rights Reserved.

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