Saturday, 4 September 2010

Shadow Dancer by John Henson

"Shadow Dancer" is the first book of John W. Henson. John is a very talented man. He writes poetry and prose. He sculpts, produces art by hand or digitally, sings in local bars, dives and fishes. He has traveled extensively and now resides in Turkey with his wife, their three cats, and two huskies.

This book has illustrations that he has drawn that are quite impressive. There are divided sections for categories such as Autobiographical, Horror, Animals, Comedy, Commemorative, Historical, Celebrity, Erotic, Fantasy, Friendship, Science Fiction, Literature, Romance, Sadness, War, Social Comment, and Prayers/Spiritual. He writes with metaphor use, good imagery, great emotion and story quality.

I felt him stretching to bring messages within his muse. I could feel all the emotions he felt as he wrote. His ability to write so many different categories shows that he is a good writer and is very able to express his views on various subjects through his verse.

His poetry has good descriptive qualities to it and also has good rhymes too. He actually paints a scene with his words for his reader to feel the impact of his words. He writes with good meter throughout and is consistent with good expression.

This collection is enjoyable with all the different scenes he puts before you with the flair of his poetic pen. His Fantasy poems were so unusual that I was in awe at the stories and names of places and characters. This section would be enjoyable by all ages.

The Biographical section helps you to better understand all he endured as a child and to better understand how he overcame it. It shows he has a strong character and had perseverance to succeed in many different jobs.

The Animal section honors his pets with lovely tributes to them. You feel the love he has with them in these poems.

The Romance section is a tribute to his wife, Jan. These poems are very beautiful as he pours out his love for her.

The Friendship section honors two poets that he has come to know. These poems are tributes to them.

The Prayers and Spiritual section show all, that he believes in God. I especially enjoyed a poem in that section called, "The Day the Angels Came." In this poem through his prayers he was relieved from the pit of despair. Towards the end of this poem his spirit had been lifted and God was seeing to his needs.

"When No One Cries" is another poem that really touched me. He speaks of a near death experience he had. I felt his faith in this one and many reading this can possible relate to this. I know I can.

This collection was really beautiful to read. I would highly recommend this book to any poetry lover. He is not a maybe poet; he is a genuine poet that will capture your heart with his words. Fantastic job John, you should take a bow for this. I hope your book sells well and your name becomes known throughout the globe! Kudos to you!

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